Thursday, April 8, 2010

Nike ad

I just saw the latest Nike ad with Tiger Woods deceased dad talking to him and asking him questions which refer to his decision making lately. Is it just me or have they explored a whole new level of “creepiness” in their marketing campaign to push their products?

I’ve played sports all my life and other than the “just do it” moniker they hit pay dirt on, I have never connected with many of their ads. This one, however seems to “just over do it” as far as I’m concerned. The ad continues to magnify Woods issues and stoke the fire as well as pull his dad into the mix who is very well knows for his philandering outside of his own marriage as well. It’s just creepy and wrong. What does Tigers mom think when she sees this ad, I wonder?

Great job Nike! You are doing your best to derail any class and legitimacy in branding your sponsors in place for your 5 minutes of TMZ fame. You would think a multi billion dollar company would “just get it.”


  1. I totally disagree with your take on this one. Nike IMO did their ad with a lot of class.. I think this was the only way they could use Tiger... they have to pay him a lot of money already they might as well use that contract. My take -->

  2. I'm no marketing expert or analyst for sure and just come from a point of view of someone who buys a lot of athletic gear. I'm just a consumer who thinks that even though you have him under contract for a lot of dough, there would be much better ways to rebuild his image and use those dollars more wisely.

    It is no secret that Earl was not faithful to his mother. To me, there is no excuse to put her through any more grief than she has already gone through. I'm really surprised Tiger Ok'd the spot.

    Commercials walk a fine line between being on the edge and in front of all the others, but if they go over it, they run the risk of loosing customers like me.

    Appreciate your input though, Mike.

    I will give the Nike advertising team one thing; they will be in the news and all over the chat boards for a few days for sure.. I just don’t think its worth it to Woods to bring his dead Father and even his Mom into it all over again.

  3. Chris, I haven't seen the spot, but have heard reactions to it that mirror what you say. Unfortunately, as we all know, bad PR sells products, too. For every consumer like you who requires a certain standard of behavior from companies they engage, there are other consumers who are actually attracted to that kind of bottom feeding. Cudos for staying true to your values.

  4. thanks Candace...Only way to be.:)
